
Art, Ideas and Tutoring


In the Studio



You've heard of it, but you don't know what to do with it? I use it to prepare my wooden supports to use it for painting with. Why buy celicate stretched canvases... With wood,...

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A late One in Progress

A late One in Progress

I harvested this pumpkin back in October and it is always great how long they stay as if they come directly from the field. As you see, I added a slice of cucumber. There you...

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The big Year 2023

The big Year 2023

Oh yes, I have waited for this change such a long time, but I've never dreamed of a year like this that still feels like: everything in one go and even more. In April my partner...

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Ulrike Miesen-Schuermann

Ulrike Miesen-Schuermann

I’m Ulrike Miesen-Schuermann, fine artist, tutor and full of ideas for me and for you. Some times just a word or a picture is needed to take us to old and new worlds, where we have collected and still collect treasures: little gems, places and memories – with a whole lot of love. Let’s get out these apples of the eye and brighten our world.


Paintings and Drawings


what I love

Tip of the Day

For a stressful Corona day: Have a cup of tea, a look out of a window and calm down.

Need an Exercise?

For Writers:

Describe drinking a drink.

For Painters:

Take the most simple item around you, a pencil and paper and sketch it.

Show me, if you like!

A good Saying?

“Tell me to what you pay attention and I will tell you who you are.”

José Ortega y Gassett



you love

with me

Write what

you love

For Courage,

Strength &

your Satisfaction


what you love

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