I'm eagerly working on my new website. But I don't want you enjoy the weekend without anything from me. Everybody needs good words, don't we? Have these for the weekend and all...
Some Times…
Some times you need just some time outside your own work place to think and manage new ideas. The time at the beginning of a year is good for that. What do you think?
Ulrike Miesen-Schuermann
I’m Ulrike Miesen-Schuermann, fine artist, tutor and full of ideas for me and for you. Some times just a word or a picture is needed to take us to old and new worlds, where we have collected and still collect treasures: little gems, places and memories – with a whole lot of love. Let’s get out these apples of the eye and brighten our world.
what you love
Write what
you love
for Courage,
Strength &
your Satisfaction
Tip of the Day
For a stressful day: Have a cup of tea and a look out of a window.
Need an Exercise?
For Writers:
Describe drinking a drink.
For Painters:
Take the most simple item around you, a pencil and paper and sketch it.
A good Saying?
“Tell me to what you pay attention and I will tell you who you are.”
José Ortega y Gassett
Paintings and
Drawings I love
Tips for Writing
when you got stuck or
you need a new idea